Breeze Booth for iPad authorization first example 1

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This example shows how to set up the MDB Payment utility to start a photo booth with a credit card reader in authorization first/idle mode. The photo booth app in this example is DSLR Remote Pro.
In this example the photo booth displays a welcome screen and waits for the user to scan their credit card and then automatically starts the photo booth when the payment has been authorized.



To use the MDB Payment utility you need to be running Breeze Booth for iPad v2.3 or later and Camera Controller v1.1 or later.


First check that the credit card reader is running in MDB level 1 for authorization first/idle mode. If the Nayax VPOS Touch is not set to MDB level 1 you may need to contact Nayax support to request them to set it to MDB level 1.


Create a simple stills only photo booth event in the Breeze Booth Event Editor. Edit the ready screen to remove the start button and add a message asking the user to scan their credit card to use the photo booth. Use the touchscreen editor to remove the start touchscreen action from the ready screen (otherwise users would be able to start the session by tapping the screen without having to pay).

Select the "External controller" option in the Breeze Booth for iPad app settings and run the Camera Controller utility on the Windows PC. Uncheck the "Enable camera connection" in the Camera Controller utility if you are using the iPad's built-in camera.

Run the MDB Payment utility on the same PC as the Camera Controller utility. The MDB Payment utility screen should look something like this:



Step 1: Add an event to enable the card reader


Check that "Selection first/Always idle mode" is not selected and the "Mode:" dropdown list is set to "Breeze Booth for iPad".

Click on the "Settings..." button to display the settings dialog:



Then click on the "Add action..." button to add an action:


add action


Give the action a suitable name e.g. "Enable reader" and then set the trigger conditions in the section below. What we want to do is enable the card reader when the photo booth is displaying the ready screen and the card reader is disabled.


The "Pattern" trigger condition is set to a pattern that matches the photo booth status e.g. stillsReady. If "Use regular expression" is not selected the pattern string will match any part of the photo booth status string. In the screenshot above the screen path is shown as: "test/portrait/.: stillsReady" which can be matched by setting the pattern to "stillsReady".


We only want to enable the card reader if it is disabled (i.e. the state is INIT) and so we set the reader state in the trigger conditions to INIT.


Next we need to specify the action to take when the trigger conditions are met. In this case all we need to do is enable the card reader.


The "Add action" dialog should look something like this:




Click OK to save the action and the settings dialog should look something like this:




Click OK and the action should be triggered if the photo booth is displaying the stills ready screen and the reader is disabled. The status log should show the action triggering, the reader's screen change to the contactless payment animation and the state should  change to IDLE:



Step 2: Request payment when the user scans their card


When the user scans their card the state changes to CREDIT and we want to request payment for the photo booth session. To do this click on "Add action..." in the settings dialog and name the action "Request payment". In the trigger conditions section set the pattern to "Print (payment)" and the reader state to CREDIT.

In the actions to perform section set the "Request payment, amount:" to the amount, e.g. for $1 set this to 100, and set the required product number. The product number can be set to anything and is recorded in the logs that can be accessed via the Nayax web dashboard. This can be useful if you have different options at different prices and want to keep a record of which is selected.

Note: the amount is in cents for USD or Euros and pence for GBP. This is because the scale factor is 1 and the decimal places is 2 in the MDB status shown in the main screen.


The "Add action" dialog should look something like this:




When the payment has been requested the status changes to VEND. If the payment is authorized the status will change to RESULT but if it fails it will change to IDLE.


Step 3: Payment Authorized


Define a new action named "Payment authorized" that is triggered when the photo booth is displaying the stills ready screen and the reader state is RESULT. In the actions to perform section set the photo booth command to "Start photobooth".


The "Add action" dialog should look something like this:




Note: defining an action that is triggered by the RESULT state automatically sends a confirmation message to the reader which will display a "Thank you" screen and then switch to the IDLE state.


The settings screen should show all four actions and look something like this:




Check it works


Click "OK" in the settings screen to return to the main screen. Then scan a credit card (or the Nayax technician mode card) to start a payment. When the payment is authorized and the photo booth should start the countdown.
The main screen should look something like this:






After the payment has been accepted and the photo booth has started taking photos the card reader will return to IDLE mode and display the contactless payment animation. There is nothing to stop the user from scanning their credit card again even though the photo booth is not ready for the next session. To prevent this we could add an action to disable the card reader when the countdown screen is displayed and the reader status is IDLE:




The actions used in this example can be loaded by clicking on the "Load..." button and loading the MDB_ipad_authorization_first_ex1.xml settings file.